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Exploring the Latest Remote Work Trends: Key Data and Insights for 2024

Updated: Aug 17

Remote Worker in Paradise enjoying the Views

Which industries are offering remote roles?

The companies leading remote work are computer and IT which is not strange for something that’s digital first up in the clouds, yet more industries and roles have seen the light in this major opportunity.

Industries following upon the above are marketing, accounting, finance, and project management. Providing opportunity at larger scale it’s not strange that the medical and health industries have started to follow up on the trend at an accelerated speed.

On top of that the recruitment and customer service industry have gotten a fair taste for the remote work movement. We have all seen a LinkedIn post from a remote recruiter passing through.

Which roles are remote according to the data? And.. Where to find them with the help of job boards, remote life coaches and influencers in the space?

Organic LinkedIn posts that are focussed on remote working opportunities, links, and companies to check in with are going through the roof continuously.

A great example would be this post from Kristen Vierra who is a Remote Career & Lifestyle Coach. Within a short period of time her post got 1.621 likes, 156 comments, and 307 reposts.

Another example would be this post from Hasan Toor reaching 4.200 likes, 218 comments, and 597 reposts.

Lucas Saud founder of Job Surfers post reached 2.771 likes, 317 comments, and 377 reposts within a matter of time.


As featured in Forbes earlier most offered remote roles are;

1.       Accountant

2.       Executive Assistant

3.       Customer Service Representative

4.       Senior Financial Analyst

5.       Recruiter

6.       Project Manager

7.       Technical Writer

8.       Product Marketing Manager

9.       Customer Success Manager

10.   Graphic Designer


Millennials and Gen Z are fully embracing flexibility, autonomy and work-life-integration

What really stands out is that the highest percentage of remote and hybrid workers are between the age of 24 to 35 - unveiled by McKinsey. The modern generations are totally embracing flexibility, autonomy, and work-life-balance. After the pandemic it seems hard to imagine they would go back to the old way of working, so it becomes an important topic to review how to attract and retain this talent. Especially Gen Z being a digital native, let go of the ones yet to enter the workforce who are confused when a device comes without a touchscreen.

Remote work helps to tap into larger & diverse talent pools. Whilst increasing the attraction, employee satisfaction and retention.

With many companies mandating the return to office or putting more strict remote working policies in place, talent is starting to look around realising there are many remote opportunities in today’s world. The numbers are not lying here according to FlexJobs the number of employees who would leave is set on 57%. As this can be a biased source on the first impression, it would be a great opportunity to mention LinkedIn received 80% of job applicants on 20% of the roles, which classified as remote about 2 years ago (Feb 2022).

In general, the trend allows all the above-mentioned industries to tap into a larger talent pool, more diverse backgrounds, increased employee happiness, attraction, and retention.


Remote first companies are pioneering the space and tools to innovate

So, it’s not surprising more and more companies have applied a fully remote, or remote first strategies of which a great example paving the way would be Atlassian. The company recently also happened to acquire Loom, a video recording tool that allows both live and video recordings for async workflows, optimized communication processes, and connectivity. Their VP Team Anywhere, Annie Dean, used to be the Director of Remote Work at Facebook amidst time of remote work explosion as a result of the pandemic.

She openly admits companies can find challenges to onboard new colleagues and some entering the workforce like Gen Z feel like missing out on the opportunity of meeting their peers and network in real life. However, on the other end more senior staff prefers remote so they will continue to pioneer the space getting more successful every day. Not forgetting to mention 35% of workers feels more productive when working remotely according to Gallup – Workplace Consulting & Global Research. Having the right tools and processes in place has never been more important.

The world is tapping into global hiring opportunities at scale, and found a way around the complicated legislation

Several unicorns like Remote, Deel, and Oyster HR have boomed at maximum growth opportunity helping companies to hire remotely whilst being in line with compliance and legislation, up to even creating job boards. Remote its career page alone receives 30.000 applicants inbound -per month- recently announced by their co-founder and CEO Job van der Voort. Job used to work remote for Gitlab prior and understood the complexity of the systems, luckily now Remote can help companies with international payroll, benefits, taxes, stock options, and compliance in dozens of countries.

One of their Account Executives Angelica Balbuena wrote a post regarding her experience setting food on land in the world of remote after working hybrid for LinkedIn in Dublin. The post immediately took off resulting in 751 likes and 109 comments, however she gives the credits to her major couch. 1 thing that really stood out to us is that she chose the word work-life-integration over work-life-balance.

Remote offers more than "just work-and-life balance"

Recently we have spoken with an Account Executive from Oyster HR with a home base set up in Barcelona. He used to work for Salesforce in Dublin 5 years. Once the 'Return to Office' mandates became effective, he started looking for a remote role where he could make an impact. He also outlines his work-life-balance has taken a tremendous shift, he’s taking less flights because he’s happier where he is, his pay increased, and his taxes are capped at a rate of 24% for the next 5 years. He is not the first worker we heard departing Dublin Ireland, tech HQ of EMEA.

At times of turbulence and change it even seems to get unclear within organisations internally on how to navigate, sometimes being highly dependent on the managers final decision. By saying so we are not particularly aiming on solely remote opportunity, but also hybrid/in-office-attendance and the opportunity to benefit from workations for a set period of time up to six months.

Is hybrid in combination with workations the future?

Workations will be the most sought-after company perk according to The Remote Work Advocate

Last week we have had the pleasure to feature an interview with Nadia Harris the Remote Work Advocate who pioneered the landscape helping companies to remain compliant within international working laws, helping companies to revise their remote, hybrid, and work from another country policies. Nadia outlines workations are (going to be) the most sought-after company perk, varying from 1 month per year up to 6 months. Not one policy is the same, yet most countries stick with the 30-45 day rule to remain within safety brackets like shared earlier on by FlexaCareers.

Offsites, retreats, creativity and connection are on the rise combined with of the beaten track locations

With the rise of workations, hybrid at scale and remote (first) companies the demand for company offsites and retreats has gained tremendous popularity helping to attract, retain, and develop their talent, whilst increasing employee satisfaction and team cooperation beyond. Changing location and scenery is highly known for new sparks of creativity, innovation, and unique team-building besides a fulfilling experience of new cultures, nature and activities.


Looking for Stats & Data? Look no further!

If you’re looking to follow an outstanding data driven remote work thought leader, check in with Nick Bloom. He is co-founder of the and being an absolute force in their field. As habits, purpose and fulfilment never get old, he has been a professor at Stanford University for almost 19 years. That alone makes him to deserve a bigger pie on his birthday.


Tech leaders are pioneering the space and see a lot of opportunity

Another interesting thought leader to follow would be Ethan Evans who used to be VP at Amazon, currently coaching executives and leaders whilst traveling the world. He holds a contrarian opinion towards the 'Return To Office movement' because of innovation. One of his remarkable expressions during a session at Lenny’s Podcast was; “We’re about 300 years into using offices well.“ “And what that means is offices aren’t going to get much better. With working from home, we’ve only been doing that for a few years since the pandemic began and at all since the internet started 20 years ago. Which one is likely to have more opportunity for improvement? There are so many things we haven’t explored with remote work. And I think the people who say, ‘Back to the office it’s because we know it works,’ well we know what it is, but I have more faith in the opportunity to improve the remote experience. And so, I think long-term, it’s going to triumph.”

From remote pioneer - to AI pioneer, Iwo Szapar is leaning into the innovation at all times whilst enabling on global scope

To top things of, what would be a remote work post without mentioning Iwo Szapar. During times of challenge, he has helped companies such as Microsoft, ING, and Walmart with their hybrid strategies. Moreso important he has founded Remote-how and the Remote-First Institute.  Publishing incredible pieces with the help of many thought leaders "Top 40+ Remote-First Trends for 2023 (and beyond)."

As a true thought leader and founder leaning into disruptive innovation and change, he has now shifted attention towards the potential of AI where he challenges organisations and individuals to work smarter not harder. Among others on this listed blog post he has been called out as one of the Top 50 Remote Work Influencers.

The rise of the talented coaches, freelancers and side-hustles continues

Additionally, a growing trend catching our attention is the rise of side-hustles and self-employment/freelancing. When we speak to successful freelancers within our network 1 thing is clear, they will never give up their freedom again.

A great example would be Jennifer Paine, previously a hybrid and remote worker for companies such as LinkedIn, HiBob and Contentful who is now a Career Coach for Women in Tech. Being self-employed in her new role she is fully embracing the flexibility. What we do see in general for companies hiring remote is that the candidate is screened on being a self-starter, pro-active and disciplined. The remote work culture is based upon mutual trust and it’s great to see the results are lifting all stakeholders.


Make sure to give these incredible change makers and thought leaders a follow

Nick Bloom -, and Stanford Professor

Annie Dean - Atlassian

Ethan Evans - Ethan Evans VP Coach

Molly Jhonson-Jones - FlexaCareers

Kristen Vierra - Remote Career & Lifestyle Coach

Lucas Saud - Job Surfers

Hasan Toor - The Prohuman AI

Jennifer Paine - Career Coach for Women in Tech

Iwo Szapar - Remote-first Institute & Remote How

Nadia Harris - Remote Work Advocate


*This post has been based on;

Sources used by Forbes to put together their value driven article are;

1.       WFHResearch

2.       Upwork

3.       Buffer

4.       Indeed

5.       ApolloTechnical

6.       FlexJobs

7.       McKinsey

8.       Gallup

9.       PewResearch

10.   Forbes Advisor

11.   TheStreet

12.   Digital

13.   OpenVPN

14.   PRNewswire


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